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Department of Pharmacy
Institute admission cell is open on all sundays and holidays (9 am to 5pm)

Department of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacy

  • About Course
  • Vision & Mission
  • Program Educational Objectives
  • Course Outcomes
  • PSO
  • Program Outcomes
  • Syllabus
  • Faculty
  • Affiliation / Approval
  • Anti Ragging
  • Grievance Redressal cell
  • Gender Harassment


  1. To be an outstanding institution in the country imparting technical education, providing need based, value based and career based programmes and producing self-reliant, self-sufficient technocrats, capable of meeting new challenges.


  1. To educate young aspirants in various technical fields to fulfill global requirement of human resources by providing sustainable quality education, training and invigorating environment, also molding them into skilled competent and socially responsible citizens who will lead the building of a powerful nation.

PEO 1: To produce skilled pharmacy professionals through sustainable quality education and training.

PEO 2: To fill the gap betweeen physician and patient through competent pharmacy professional.

PEO 3: To cater the needs of skilled human resources in drug and pharmaceutical industry.

S.No. Subject Code Subject Name Outcomes
1 BP101T Human Anatomy and Physiology– Theory CO1 Explain the gross morphology, structure and functions of various tissues and organs of the human body. 
CO2 Describe the structure and functions of the skeletal and integumentary system. 
CO3 Describe the structure and functions of various body fluids (viz. blood and lymph) and their disorder. 
CO4 Identify the structure and functions of the Peripheral nervous system and various sense organs. 
CO5 Explain the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of cardiovascular system. 
2 BP102T Pharmaceutical Analysis I– Theory CO1 Explain the basic fundamentals of analytical chemistry
CO2 Apply various principles of volumetric (Aqueous and Non aqueous) titrations
CO3 Report various problems related to Volumetric titrations in analysis and research
CO4 Compare applications of volumetric, gravimetric, and electrochemical analysis
CO5 Assess various parameters related to analysis of Pharmaceutical compounds
3 BP103T Pharmaceutics I – Theory CO1 To understand the history of Pharmacy, scope of Pharmacy , Pharmacopoeias, excipients and basic terms with pharmaceutical formulation
CO2 To understand the parts of prescription
CO3 To analyze simple pharmaceutical calculations applied in the preparation of formulations, dilution, strengths and posology
CO4 To apply the conventional dosage forms e.g. liquid, powder and semisolid into pharmacy practice.
CO5 To evaluate pharmaceutical incompatibilities and instabilities in the formulation or justify their rationale.
4 BP104T Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry– Theory CO1 Know the history of pharmacopoeia, sources of impurities and methods to determine in inorganic drugs and pharmaceuticals.
CO2 Understand the  basic concepts, medicinal and pharmaceutical importance of inorganic and radiopharmaceutical compounds.
CO3 Explain mechanism of action of selected inorganic drugs and pharmaceuticals.
CO4 Make use of methods of preparation, properties and quantitative determination of variuos inorganic and pharmaceutical compounds.
CO5 Apply the concepts of buffers and methods of adjusting isotonicity.
5 BP105T Communication Skills – Theory CO1 Students will be proficient in English language and in converting  into actionable knowledge.
CO2 Students will be able to appreciate and practice the unique qualities of professional rhetoric and writing style. Developing individual speech delivery and stylization.
CO3 Students will be confident and develop effective speaking ability for presentations and  develop thinking .
CO4 Writing skills & innovative ideas. Propagating skills for interviews. Students will be able to master the skill of Curriculum-Vitae, Resume, and Bio-Data and communicate effectively with report writing,  documentation and giving and receiving clear instructions.
CO5 Students will be participative and assertive. Students will be able to understand logical issues and value system.
6 BP106RMT Remedial Mathematics – Theory CO1 Understand the theory used in application of Partial Fraction in Chemical Kinetics and Pharmacokinetics, logarithm to solving pharmaceutical problems
CO2 Understand the concepts of Matrices and determinant used in application to solving Pharmacokinetic equations
CO3 Understand the concepts of function, limit, continuity, differentiability and Integration used in application of mathematics in Pharmacy
CO4 Understand the concepts of Coordinate Geometry used in application of mathematics in Pharmacy
CO5 Understand the concept of Differential equations and Laplace transform used in application to solving chemical kinetics and Pharmacokinetics equations
7 BP106RBT Remedial Biology – Theory CO1 Classify the salient features of five kingdoms of life
CO2 Understand the basic components of anatomy of plant
CO3 Understand the basic components of  morphology of plant
CO4 understand the basic components of anatomy& physiology animal with special reference to human
8 BP107P Human Anatomy and Physiology – Practical CO1 Describe the use and scope of microscope.
CO2 Identify the microscopic structure of various tissues.
CO3 Identify the structure and function of bones
CO4 Analyze the various parameter of their own blood.
CO5 Examine the blood pressure, heart rate and pulse rate.
9 BP108P Pharmaceutical AnalysisI – Practical CO1 Apply methods of preparation for various Normal and Molar solutions.
CO2 Demonstrate methods of standardization of a solution by using volumetric analysis
CO3 Understand methods of standardization of a solution by using electroanalytical methods
CO4 Make use of volumetric analysis for the quantitative estimation of a sample
CO5 Investigate the level of impurities in pharmaceuticals by using limit test
10 BP109P Pharmaceutics I – Practical CO1 To understand simple dosage forms and its usage, and understand the role of each added ingredients.
CO2 To calculate quantity of each exicipient and devise plan as par the requirement of dosage form.
CO3 To create simple dosage form with rationale of each exicpient and its method of preparation.
CO4 To select a proper container system and follow labeling instruction during dispensing of drug
CO5 To understand design label with general and specific instructions relevant to product stability, indications and contraindications.
11 BP110P Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry– Practical CO1 Examine  the impurity level by using limit test.
CO2 Identify qualitatively the various inorganic ions.
CO3 Demonstrate the method of preparation of inorganic compounds.
CO4 Make use of limit test for various colored and insoluble inorganic compounds .     
CO5 Analyze test for purity with respect to various parameters of inorganic compounds.
12 BP111P Communication Skills – Practical CO1 Development of conversational skills for seminars/workshops.
CO2 Propagating skills for interviews under suitable interactive patterns.
CO3 Initiating public speaking skills based on rhythmic patterns and perfection in delivery.
CO4 Preparation for technical paper/professional representation based on proper stress intonation mechanics.
CO5 Developing individual speech delivery and stylization.
13 BP112RBP RemedialBiology– Practical CO1 Contrast the gross microscopy and identification of plant tissues.
CO2 Identify the different parts of plant: Stem, Root, Leaf, seed, fruit, flower and construct the different parts of cell.
CO3 Distinguish the different bones of axial and appendicular skeleton system.
CO4 Determine the blood group, blood pressure and tidal volume by using different apparatus.
CO5 Elaborate the study of frog by computer models.
14 BP-201T Human Anatomy & Physiology- II CO1 Explain the gross morphology, structure and functions of various organs of the human body
CO2 Describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances
CO3 Classification of hormones and glands
CO4 Describe the structure and functions of the Nervous system, Digstive system, Endocrine system. (Understanding)
CO5 Appreciate coordinated working pattern of different organs of each system, the interlinked mechanisms in the maintenance of normal functioning
(homeostasis) of human body.
15 BP-202T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I CO1  Students will be able  to write and explain the structure, name and the type of isomerism of the organic compounds.
CO2 Students will be able  to write and explain the reaction, name the reaction and orientation of reactions of organic compounds. 
CO3 Students will be able to explain and analyze the reactivity/stability of organic compounds. 
CO4 Students will be able to Identify/confirm the identification of organic compounds.
CO5 Students will be able to describe the use of organic compounds.
16 BP-203T Biochemistry CO1 Understand the basic concepts of bioenergetics and biomolecules.
CO2 Explain metabolism of nutrient molecules in various physiological and pathological conditions.
CO3 Illustrate the biosynthesis of various biological substances.
CO4 Understand the genetic organization of mammalian genome and functions of  DNA , RNA  and proteins.
CO5 Explain the catalytic role of enzymes, importance of enzyme inhibitors, therapeutic and diagnostic applications of enzymes.
17 BP204T  Pathophysiology CO1 Explain the signs and symptoms of diseases.
CO2 Understand the principles of Cell Injury and Adaptation.
CO3 Identify pathophysiological conditions & varous vital physiological parameters of human body.
CO4 Explain the mechanisms involved in inflammation and repair.
CO5 Illustrate the etiology and pathogenesis of the selected disease states discuss the complications of systemic conditions to their etio-pathogenesis
18 BP205T  Computer Applications in Pharmacy CO1 Students will be able  recall and infer the fundamentals of Computer, its components, structure and types. 
CO2 Students will be able recall  and interpret the number systems, its conversion and calculations and the concept of the information systems and software’s used in different field and its processes.
CO3 Students will be able to create a personal HTML webpage, create invoice tables, Generate reports from patients database, and Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to web pages and to XML pages.
CO4 Students will be able recall, infer and use the knowledge of  the various types of application of computers in pharmacy. 
CO5 Students will be able identify and apply the knowledge of the Bioinformatics Databases, Concept and Impact of Bioinformatics in Vaccine Discovery and know the Computers as data analysis in Preclinical development like CDS, LIMS, TIMS etc. 
19 BP206T  Environmental Sciences CO1 To explain the awareness about environmental problems among learners.
CO2 To use basic knowledge about the environment and its allied problems.
CO3 To reframe an attitude of concern for the environment.
CO4 To appraise learner to participate in environment protection and environment improvement.
CO5 To conclude to attain harmony with Nature.
20 BP207P  Human Anatomy and Physiology II CO1 To describe the integumentary and special senses, nervous system, endocrine system etc,  using specimen and models
CO2 Demonstrate the general neurological examination, function of olfactory nerve, visual acuity, reflex activity etc.
CO3 Perform the hematological tests like blood cell counts, haemoglobin estimation, bleeding/clotting time etc and also record blood pressure, heart rate, pulse and respiratory volume.
CO4 To examine the different types of taste
CO5 Determination of tidal volume and vital capacity
21 BP208P  Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I CO1 Determine functional groups in an organic compounds.
CO2 Illustrate method of preparation of  organic compounds.
CO3 Identify the organic compound by Lassaigne's test and melting point/boiling point.
CO4 Analyze systematically an unknown aliphatic organic compound by various qualitative test and examine the molecular model of the organic compound.
CO5 Analyze systematically an unknown aromatic organic compound by various qualitative test and examine the molecular model of the organic compound.
22 BP209P  Biochemistry CO1 Apply the methods for the preparation of buffers and measurement of pH.
CO2 Analyzing carbohydrate and proteins qualitatively and quantitatively.
CO3 Examine the abnormal constituents of urine qualitatively.
CO4 Determine various constituents of blood quantitatively.
CO5 Determine salivary amylase activity and factors affecting it.
23 BP210P  Computer Applications in Pharmacy CO1 Preparing documents in word processor.
CO2 Preparing Web page using HTML.   
CO3 Creating  tables in Access database.
CO4 Creating queries in Access data base. 
CO5 Creating Report in Access data base.
24 BP301T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II– Theory CO1 Outline the fundamental principles of organic chemistry that include synthesis and reactions of organic compounds.
CO2 Illustrate the structure, stability and character of organic compounds.
CO3 Distinguish chemical behaviour of organic compounds.
CO4 Interpret the structure and uses of specific organic compounds.
CO5 Examine the significance and principle involved in the determination of analytical constants.
25 BP302T Physical Pharmaceutics I – Theory CO1 Understand various physicochemical properties of drug molecules in designing of dosage forms.
CO2 Apply principles of solubility to improve drug dissolution and bioavailability of drugs
CO3 Make use of physicochemical properties in the formulation development and evaluation of dosage forms.
CO4 Select appropriate physical and chemical parameters associated with quality control of dosage forms.
CO5 Solve problems related with pH, protein binding, surface and interfacial tension in designing of stable, safe and effective dosage forms.
26 BP303T Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Theory CO1 To understand methods of Identification, Cultivation and Preservation of various Microorganisms.
CO2 To apply Sterilization and Cell culture technology in Pharmaceutical processing and industry.
CO3 To analyze bactericidal & bacteriostatic activity of disinfectants and antiseptics preparation.
CO4 To determine the different source of contamination in aseptic clean area of Pharmaceutical industry
CO5 To evaluate the efficiency of sterilization methods, Disinfection, Antibiotics, Vitamins and Amino acids.
27 BP304T Pharmaceutical Engineering – Theory CO1 To illustrate various unit operations used in Pharmaceutical industries.
CO2 To relate the various material handling techniques.
CO3 To connect various processes involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing process.
CO4 To conclude significance of plant lay out design for optimum use of resources.
CO5 To conclude the various preventive methods used for corrosion control in Pharmaceutical industries.
28 BP305P Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II – Practical CO1 Make use of common laboratory techniques, including reflux, distillation, steam distillation, recrystallization, vacuum filtration, melting point determination etc.
CO2 To examine broad range of traditional organic reactions at the micro scale.
CO3 To determine the purity of oil and fats.
CO4 To evaluate data collected for the identification, purity, and calculation of percent yield of products.
CO5 To summarize findings in writing in a clear and concise manner.
29 BP306P Physical Pharmaceutics I – Practical CO1 Define and recall fundamental to measure the angle of repose of given granules/powders and density of powder
CO2 Describe theoretic considerations, formulation consideration, stability and evaluate shelf life of Solution
CO3 Determine the solubility and partition coefficient of drug.
CO4 Explain the different types of surfactants and polymers and how they can be used to stabilize Pharmaceuticals.
CO5 Explain the findings in laboratory practical in the form of a report.
30 BP307P Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Practical CO1 To understand the principle of different euipments used in Pharmaceutical processing and industry.
CO2 To perform methods of cultivation and preservation of various microorganisms.
CO3 To learn the sterility testing of pharmaceutical products.
CO4 To understand the biochemical tests and its applications in pharmaceutical industries
CO5 To carry out microbiological standardization of Pharmaceuticals
31 BP 308P Pharmaceutical Engineering – Practical CO1 To relate the basic concepts of filtration and evaporation.
CO2 To use their knowledge to construct drying curves and determine moisture content and loss on drying.
CO3 To correlate various unit operations used in pharmaceutical industries.
CO4 To explain the concept of psychrometric chart to determine the humidity.
CO5 To illustrate size distribution of tablet granulations by sieving method.
32 KVE301 Human Values & Professional Ethics CO1 Identify and analyze an ethical issue in the subject matter under investigation or in a relevant field.
CO2 Identify the multiple ethical interests at stake in a real-world situation or practice.
CO3 Articulate what makes a particular course of action ethically defensible.
CO4 Assess their own ethical values and the social context of problems.
CO5 Demonstrate knowledge of ethical values in non-classroom activities, such as service learning, internships, and field work integrate, synthesize, and apply knowledge of ethical dilemmas and resolutions in academic settings, including focused and interdisciplinary research.
33 BP401T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III – Theory  CO1 Understand the stereochemical aspects of organic compounds and stereochemical reactions.
CO2 Identify stereochemical features such as optical isomerism, geometrical isomerism and conformational isomerism.
CO3 Explain the structure, nomenclature, Chemistry and synthetic procedure of heterocyclic compounds.
CO4 Categorize the reactions and medicinal uses of heterocyclic compounds.
CO5 Analyze the reactions of synthetic importance.
34 BP402T  Medicinal Chemistry I – Theory CO1 Understand the basic principles and concepts associated with medicinal chemistry.
CO2 Classify various medicinal agents and explain their mode of action.
CO3 Explain the synthetic procedure and pharmaceutical applications of medicinal agents.
CO4 Outline the recent advances of various classes of drugs.
CO5 Develop structure activity relationship of various medicinal agents.
35 BP403T  Physical Pharmaceutics II – Theory  CO1 Understand the Physical and Physicochemical properties of drug molecules for designing of dosage forms.
CO2 Make use of principles of Chemical Kinetics for Stability Testing.
CO3 Simplify the role of Micromeritics in formulation designing.
CO4 Explain physicochemical properties in evaluation of Dosage forms.
CO5 Determine the reaction kinetics and expiry date of the formulations.
36 BP404T  Pharmacology I – Theory  CO1 Understand the pharmacological actions of different categories of drugs.
CO2 Apply the basic pharmacological knowledge in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
CO3 Examine the drug interactions (pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics) with the body.
CO4 Explain the mechanism of drug action at organ system/sub cellular/ macromolecular levels.
CO5 Appreciate correlation of pharmacology with other bio medical sciences.
37 BP405T Pharmacognosy I – Theory CO1 Describe the history, scope and development of pharmacognosy.
CO2 Know the techniques in the cultivation, collection, processing and storage of drugs of natural origin with reference to medicinal plants.
CO3 Recall the plant tissue culture techniques and its types, nutritional requirements, growth, factors affecting tissue culture and its use in Pharmacy.
CO4 Illustrate various traditional systems of medicine and able to identify various groups of phytoconstituents.
CO5 Acquire knowledge on pharmacognostic study of plants under the category of primary and secondary metabolites.
38 BP406P  Medicinal Chemistry I – Practical  CO1 Apply the synthetic procedures for the synthesis of drugs 
CO2 Examine the quantitative assay of drugs by titrimetric method
CO3 Determine the partition coefficient of drugs 
39 BP407P  Physical Pharmaceutics II – Practical  CO1 Experiment with Drug stability studies.
CO2 Experiment with the micromeritics properties of powders.
CO3 Determine the rheological property of solids and liquids.
CO4 Determine the Sedimentation volume of coarse dispersions.
40 BP408P  Pharmacology I – Practical CO1 Understand commonly used instruments, different routes of drug administration in mice or rats and correlation of pharmacology with other biomedical sciences.
CO2 Demonstrate the working of different instruments used in pharmacology lab for muscle relaxant, locomotor and anticonvulsant activity. Maintenance and handling techniques of commonly used laboratory animals.
CO3 Explain common and standard techniques used in experimental pharmacology- Blood withdrawal, Serum and plasma separation, anesthetics and euthanasia used for animal studies.
CO4 Examine the effect of drugs on animals by computer simulation (CDs or videos and softwares).
CO5 Give rational behind how effect of drug is potentiated or inhibited in physiological systems or pathological states.
41 BP409P Pharmacognosy I – Practical  CO1 Analyze crude drugs by chemical tests: (i) Tragacanth (ii) Acacia (iii) Agar (iv) Gelatin (v) starch (vi) Honey (vii) Castor oil
CO2 Determine the stomatal number and index, vein islet number, vein islet termination, palisade ratio, Fiber length and width, size of starch grains, calcium oxalate crystals by eye piece micrometer.
CO3 Determine the number of starch grains by Lycopodium spore method.
CO4 Determine the Ash value, Extractive values, moisture content of crude drugs.
CO5 Determine the swelling index and foaming index.
42 BP501T Medicinal Chemistry II – Theory  CO1 Understand the basic principles and concepts associated with medicinal chemistry.
CO2 Understand the chemistry of drugs with respect to their pharmacological acyivity.
CO3 Students will be able to Classify the medicinal compound and acquire knowledge about them along with mechanism of action and medicinal uses.
CO4 Explain the synthetic procedure and pharmaceutical applications of medicinal agents.
CO5 Develop structure activity relationship of various medicinal agents.
43 BP502T Industrial Pharmacy I – Theory CO1 Understand Preformulation studies, Physical properties, Chemical properties and  BCS classification of drugs and it’s significant. Pharmaceutical packaging materials.
CO2 Understand Formulation and Manufacturing aspects of Tablets, Liquid orals,  Capsules, Pellets, Parenteral, Ophthalmic preparations and Cosmetics.
CO3 Apply concepts of Preformulation studies and Formulation and manufacturing considerations in the development of Solids, Liquids orals and parenteral dosage forms and its impact on stability of dosage forms.
CO4 Analyze the quality control tests (in process and finished product tests) of Tablets, Capsules, Parenteral, Ophthalmic preparation and Stability aspects of Pharmaceutical packaging materials.
CO5 Evaluate Liquid orals, Ophthalmic preparations and Aerosols.
44 BP503T Pharmacology II – Theory  CO1 Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to define the elementary concepts / principles, terminology and state the mechanism involved in Human physiology or drug action and bioassay of drugs
CO2 Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to define the elementary concepts / principles, terminology and state the mechanism involved in Human physiology or drug action and bioassay of drugs
CO3 Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to report application of Bioassay and apply the basic pharmacological knowledge (pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, clinical uses, dose, side effects and contraindications) of drugs in the prevention and treatment of disorders related to cardiovascular, urinary, autacoids and endocrine) systems of body.
CO4 Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to categorize autacoids; drugs acting on different (cardiovascular, urinary, autacoids, endocrine) systems of body and types of bioassay.
CO5 Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to Justify relevance of Drug (s) in the treatment of respective disorder (s) and appraise rationale use of drugs.
45 BP504T Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry  CO1 Illustrate the composition ,chemistry and chemical classes, biosources, therapeutic uses and commercial applications of the secondary metabolites.
CO2 Apply the methods of biogenesis and basic metabolic pathways of secondary metabolites.
CO3 Utilize the processes of Industrial production, estimation and utilization of the phytoconstituents.
CO4 Utilize the process of extraction , isolation , identification and purification of the herbal drugs and phytoconstituents.
CO5 Discover the latest techniques like Spectroscopy , Chromatography and Electrophores.
46 BP505T Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence – Theory  CO1 Understand the pharmaceutical legislation and implications in the development and marketing of pharmaceuticals
CO2 Understand different Pharmaceutical acts, laws and rules
CO3 Understand  various regulatory and administrative authorities, agencies governing manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals
CO4 Understand the approval process and regulatory requirements for maufacture and sale of pharmaceutical and various drug licenses, registration certificate. 
CO5 Understand the codes of Pharmaceutical ethics during the pharmaceutical practice
47 BP506P Industrial Pharmacy I– Practical  CO1 Choose various considerations in development of pharmaceutical dosage forms
CO2 Develop and Formulate solid, liquid and semisolid dosage forms
CO3 Evaluate solid, liquid and semisolid dosage forms for their quality
CO4 Evaluate Pharmaceutical Packaging material
CO5 Formulate & evaluate the parentrals & opthalmic preparations.
48 BP507P Pharmacology II – Practical CO1 Upon completion of Pharmacology-II (Practical) course the students will be able to understand application of commonly used instrument(s), describe preparation of drug dilutions, different solutions and molar solution used for experiments on rodents.
CO2 Upon completion of Pharmacology-II (Practical) course the students will be able to report basic concept of bioassay of drug (s) using different isolated organ (s) / tissue(s) by software(s) and videos.
CO3 Upon completion of Pharmacology-II (Practical) course the students will be able to make use of software / computer simulated CDs or video cassettes for demonstrating effect or mechanism of drug (agonist/ antagonist) action / synergism acting on isolated different organs/tissues from the laboratory animals which can minimize the use of experimental animals for pharmacology practical.
CO4 Upon completion of Pharmacology-II (Practical) course the students will be able to examine dose response curve (DRC) of drug (s) or effect of agonist / antagonist on DRC of drug using isolated tissue preparation for demonstrating the receptor actions (efficacy, potency, precision and risk benefit ratio) by simulated experiments.
CO5 Upon completion of Pharmacology-II (Practical) course the students will be able to appraise experimental relevance of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug (s) in the treatment of inflammation and pain respectively and correlation of pharmacology with related medical sciences.
49 BP508P Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II – Practical CO1 Illustrate the morphology, histology and powder characteristics of crude drugs.
CO2 Apply the methods of extraction and detection of crude drugs.
CO3 Utilize the process of isolation and detection of active principles of herbal drugs.
CO4 Utilize the process of separation of herbal drugs.
CO5 Utilize the process of extraction , isolation , identification and purification of the herbal drugs and phytoconstituents.
50 BP509P Hospital Training CO1 Student will be able to understand the importance of looking after health , welfare and safety of staff.
CO2 Student will be able to recognize how operational problems and situations are handled in practice by undertaking and reporting at a hospital attachment.
CO3 Student will be able to develop awareness of the responsibilities of senior hospital management, including understanding the role and functions of hospitals and their health care.



After completion of graduation, the student will: 

PEO 1: Ability to apply principles and knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, pathophysiology, Microbiology, pharmacology, food and neutraceuticals and cosmetics for good health of the society.

PEO 2: Ability to apply the knowledge of inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, natural and herbal products and pharmacognostical principles for discovery and development of new drugs.

PEO 3: Understand the principles of biotechnology, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical engineering, and develop methodology for research work.


PO 1: Pharmacy Knowledge: Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; behavioral, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices.

PO 2: Planning Abilities: Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.

PO 3: Problem analysis: Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyze, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions.

PO 4: Modern tool usage: Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations

PO 5: Leadership skills: Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfillment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and wellbeing.

PO 6: Professional Identity: Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).

PO 7: Pharmaceutical Ethics: Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.

PO 8: Communication: Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO 9: The Pharmacist and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice.

PO 10: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO 11: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Selfassess and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an ongoing basis

S. No. Name of the Full-time teacher Designation Name of the Department
1 Dr. NEERAJ KANT SHARMA Professor Pharmacy
2 Mr. JONEE PANWAR Assistant Professor Pharmacy
3 Ms. MANJARI VERMA Assistant Professor Pharmacy
4 Mr. VINAY KUMAR UPADHYAY Assistant Professor Pharmacy
5 Mr. MAYUR CHAUHAN Assistant Professor Pharmacy
6 Mr. ANKIT GUPTA Assistant Professor Pharmacy
7 Mr. SOUMEN PAL  Assistant Professor Pharmacy
8 Mr. SAROJ KUNDAN BHARTI Assistant Professor Pharmacy
9 Ms. PRIYANKA SINGH Assistant Professor Pharmacy
10 Mr. NITIN KUMAR Assistant Professor Pharmacy
11 Ms. SULTANA ZAKIYA Assistant Professor Pharmacy
12 Mr. SHUBHAM SHARMA  Assistant Professor Pharmacy
13 Ms. AVANI SHARMA Assistant Professor Pharmacy
14 Mr. ROHIT PANDEY Assistant Professor Pharmacy
15 Ms. PRATIBHA Assistant Professor Pharmacy
16 Mr. RAHUL KUMAR Assistant Professor Pharmacy
Mr. Navneet Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Graduation B.Pharm.
Highest Education M.Pharm. (Medicinal Chemistry)
Teaching experience 1.5 years
Industrial Experience Nil years
Email id
Area of interest Quality Control






Dr. Neeraj Pratap

Chief Proctor


Dr. Ashish Kumar

Additional Chief Proctor


Ms. Sonam Tomar



Mr. Akhilesh Pandey



Ms. Sakshi Goyal



Mr. Ankit Galiyan



Dr. Digvijay Singh



Ms. Nidhi Parashar



Mr. Sanjay Kumar



Mr. Ankit Gupta



Mr. Jonee Panwar



Ms. Sultana Zakiya



Dr. Mohd. Sadim (Warden, Boys Hostel)

Ex officio Member


Ms. Ritima (Warden, Girls Hostel)

Ex officio Member


Mr. K.N. Tripathi

(Special Invitee)


S. No.  Name of Faculty Designation 
1 Mr. Kailash Nath Tripathi Asstt. Professor
2 C A Swati Gupta Controller of Account & Finance
3 Mr. Ravi Ranjan Kumar Asstt. Professor
4 Dr. Mohd. Sadim Asstt. Professor
5 Dr. Jay Prakash Kannaujia Asstt. Professor
6 Mr. Ankit Gupta Asstt. Professor
7 Mr. Lalit Kumar  Asstt. Professor
8 Mr. Ayush Goel Student
9 Ms. Shivangi Garg Student


S. No.  Faculty Name  Designation 
1 Mrs. Nidhi Parashar  Asstt. Professor 
2 Mrs. Himani Mishra Asstt. Professor
3 Ms. Ritima Hostel Warden
4 Ms. Ruchi Mittal Asstt. Professor 
5 Ms. Sheetal  Asstt. Professor
6 Ms. Sonam Tomar Asstt. Professor
7 Ms. Ayushi Raj Student
8 Ms. Aasma Siddiqui Student



Admission 2024-25